Groodle Furnishings: Exploring the Unique Coat Trait of Oodle Breeds

“Oodle” breeds, such as the Groodle and Labradoodle, have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their adorable appearance, friendly nature, and hypoallergenic qualities. One distinctive characteristic that sets them apart is their coat, specifically a feature known as “furnishings.” In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of oodle furnishings, exploring what they are, their significance, and why they add an extra touch of charm to these delightful dogs.

Understanding Oodle Furnishings:

Oodle furnishings refer to the facial hair growth seen in certain oodle breeds, typically around the muzzle, eyebrows, and beard areas. These facial furnishings give oodles a distinct and endearing appearance, often likened to a human-like expression. This characteristic is inherited from the Poodle parent breed, as Poodles are renowned for their curly and luxurious facial hair.

Types of Oodle Furnishings:

The extent and style of oodle furnishings can vary among individual dogs, even within the same litter. Here are some common types of oodle furnishings you may encounter:

  1. Beard: A prominent beard refers to the long, thick hair that grows below the dog’s lower jaw. This beard can give the dog a sophisticated and distinguished look, adding a touch of elegance to their overall appearance.

  2. Eyebrows: Oodle breeds often showcase expressive and well-defined eyebrows. These curly or wavy hairs frame the eyes, giving them an attentive and curious expression. The eyebrows can be short and neat or longer and more expressive, depending on the individual dog.

  3. Mustache: Some oodles may also have mustache-like hair growth on their upper lip. This additional facial hair contributes to their unique and charming appearance, often eliciting smiles and adoration from anyone they encounter.

The Significance of Oodle Furnishings:

Beyond their visual appeal, oodle furnishings serve functional purposes as well. They can help protect the eyes from debris, such as dust or dirt, and prevent excessive tearing. Additionally, the facial hair may contribute to a hypoallergenic effect, as it can help trap dander and allergens closer to the face, reducing the chances of them becoming airborne.

In breeding, ensuring puppies from all Groodle generations including F1s relies on DNA testing the parents to ensure the right furnishing genetics are present to produce pups to meet and improve the breed standard, ensuring the desirable ‘oodle’ look and coat traits.

An unfurnished Groodle has what is known as an ‘improper coat’ and will most likely also have a coat that sheds more than a furnished Groodle. It is not generally a desirable trait in the breed, though it does not require the grooming a furnished coat does, and for this reason a few people do seek out these pups.

The pup on the left has an unfurnished improper coat, and the pup on the right is fully furnished.

Maintenance and Grooming:

Oodle furnishings require regular care to maintain their beauty and prevent matting. Here are some essential grooming tips for dogs with facial hair:

  1. Brushing: Regular brushing helps prevent tangles, mats, and debris accumulation in the furnishings. Use a comb or a slicker brush designed for curly or wavy coats to gently remove any knots or loose hairs.

  2. Trimming: Depending on your preferences and the specific needs of your dog, occasional trimming of the facial hair may be required. This can help keep the furnishings at a manageable length and prevent them from obscuring the dog’s vision.

  3. Cleaning: Ensure you clean the face, especially the areas with furnishings, regularly. Use a damp cloth or gentle dog-safe wipes to wipe away any dirt or debris that may accumulate around the eyes, muzzle, and beard.


Oodle furnishings are a delightful and distinctive trait found in oodle breeds, adding character and charm to these already lovable dogs. Their curly beards, expressive eyebrows, and mustache-like hair growth make oodles stand out in the canine world. While maintaining oodle furnishings requires some grooming effort, the joy and adoration they bring to their owners and those around them are well worth it. So, embrace the beauty of oodle furnishings and celebrate the unique allure of oodle breeds!

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